Personalized Marketing Experience

We are undoubtedly living in the era of the personalized marketing experience. According to the 2023 Annual Customer Engagement Report, developed by Twilio, 66% of customers say they would leave…

Autenticidade na Conquista de Clientes

Authenticity in Customer Acquisition

In the quest to win over customers, brand authenticity stands out as a crucial differentiator. By transmitting genuine values, the brand attracts loyal customers. Furthermore, transparency in…

Grandes problemas que merecem mais atenção

Big problems that deserve more attention

In the incessant search to solve complex problems, technology emerges as a powerful ally. However, identifying precisely where we should focus our efforts in this vast field of challenges is a task…

Startup Summit 2023 em Florianópolis

Startup Summit 2023 in Florianópolis

The Startup Summit 2023 emerges as one of the main destinations for those looking to delve deeper into the startup ecosystem. Organized by Sebrae Startups, Santa Catarina Technology Association (ACATE) and Associação…

Objetos do Amanhã: O primeiro desafio ao decidir estudar futuros é aceitar que não existe consenso sobre a forma ideal de se capturar sinais do novo. Existem profissionais que pautam suas análises em indicadores, estatísticas e projeções matemáticas. Outros adotam lentes culturais e procuram padrões comportamentais emergentes. Não existe certo, não existe errado, são estratégias diferentes, com propósitos diferentes.

Objects of Tomorrow for 2023

Objects of Tomorrow: The first challenge when deciding to study futures is accepting that there is no consensus on the ideal way to capture signals of the new. There are professionals who guide…

Inovação para startups: O papel principal de uma Ciência é ajudar o Sapiens a compreender e lidar com determinado Fenômeno. Porém, para isso, é preciso organizar o diálogo. Temos, assim nas Ciências as seguintes atividades:

Innovation for startups: What is it?

Innovation for startups: The main role of a Science is to help Sapiens understand and deal with a certain Phenomenon. However, to achieve this, it is necessary to organize the dialogue. So we have…

Rebrand de marca: 99 Influence

99influence: Brand Redesign

We recently redesigned the brand of 99influence, a company that makes it easy to hire Digital Influencers. Today, it has more than 27,000 influencers across Brazil. With a wallet…