A busca pela inovação tornou-se um imperativo atualmente, tanto em nossas vidas pessoais quanto profissionais, dessa forma, entenda como o pensamento lúdico é uma excelente ferramenta. Todo dia, enfrentamos desafios cada vez mais complexos e dinâmicos, exigindo soluções criativas e eficientes. Nesse cenário, o segredo da inovação em marketing pode residir em um conceito fascinante: playful thinking.
Children's imagery and natural innovation
Children, by nature, are innovative beings. Devoid of the fear of experimenting, making mistakes and learning, they explore the world with imagination, curiosity and make-believe. The constant question “what if…” permeates his playful thinking, encouraging the creation of stories, characters and scenarios from simple elements. This children's imagery is an inexhaustible source of innovation, instigating the visualization of the world with enchantment and admiration.
The Suppression of Imagination
However, as children grow up, they are often told to put their imaginations aside and conform to academic and professional standards. Phrases like “I'm not creative” become common, but the reality is that creativity is intrinsically present in all of us.
Awakening the Dormant Imagination
Abraham Maslow reminds us that “the creative man is not an ordinary man to whom something has been added; Creative is the common man from whom nothing has been taken.” The challenge, then, is to rescue our childhood imagery without returning to childhood. In other words, developing playful thinking again, recovering the essence of the child we were. In this way, we unlock the “what if” button in our brain, rescuing a childish inventive mindset.
Cultivating Imagination to Innovate
But how can we rescue this imagery? The answer is simple: cultivate your imagination and exercise your ability to create mental images. We must visualize scenarios, invent stories and fantasize about solutions. Therefore, stimulating curiosity is vital, fueling interest in the unknown and the new. Read books, watch movies, listen to music, travel, learn languages. As well, experiencing cultures expands our repertoire, triggering creativity, making our thinking increasingly playful.
Playful Thinking: Practicing “Pretend” in Adult Life
“Pretend” is not exclusive to children. In adult life, playing with reality, considering possibilities and alternatives, is essential. We should not fear error, as it is often necessary to make mistakes to find the right path. Expressions like “talking nonsense” are indicators that we are exploring the limits of imagination.
Reconnection with the Essence of Playful Thinking to Innovate
Finally, rescuing childhood imagery is a journey of reconnection with our essence, passion and purpose. This frees us from the constraints, blocks and fears that prevent innovation. In other words, by developing our playful thinking, we open ourselves to the infinite. With the unpredictable and the extraordinary, we become more human, happy, fulfilled, creative and innovative beings. In short, the crucial question is: what if?
My talent is helping entrepreneurs create their brands It is websites professionals, to have their own lives and become increasingly stronger in the market. Creatively conceptualizing in an authentic way. Building new spaces in digital and physical channels. And executing strategic actions to marketing with IF THE to achieve results.