Como Construir uma Marca Altamente Relevante no Brasil: Desafios e Estratégias

How to build a relevant brand in Brazil? Challenges and Strategies

Atualmente, como construir marca relevante no Brasil? Escolha sua verdade em meio aos contrastes, modinhas digitais e tendências momentâneas. Há duas décadas, o mundo do branding e do marketing estava envolto em uma busca frenética por consistência e regras rígidas. Portanto, como profissional apaixonado por marcas, via nos brandbooks e nas diretrizes uma bússola infalível para o sucesso. No entanto, a evolução do mercado e as mudanças constantes na sociedade fizeram-me questionar esses dogmas.

Como Construir uma Marca Altamente Relevante no Brasil: Desafios e Estratégias
How to Build a Highly Relevant Brand in Brazil: Challenges and Strategies

From Consistency to Coherence: A Revolution in Branding

In the current scenario, traditional consistency has given way to coherence. It is no longer about following pre-established rules, but rather about living the principles and beliefs of the business. In other words, brand management now involves understanding the why, involving people and engaging them as true ambassadors.

This transformation is not just a superficial change, but a revolution in the way brands interact with their audiences. In this way, inspiring leaders have replaced the brand's former inspectors, and the search for relevance transcends the boundaries of control over communication.

Personalization and Influence: The New Brand Paradigm

An undeniable trend is the personification of businesses and brands. In other words, companies look for influencers, and even CEOs take on prominent roles. In Brazil, the number of influencers even exceeds that of doctors and lawyers. This phenomenon reveals a new challenge: big online personalities seek not just visibility, but a meaningful connection with their audience.

We were even approached by a Brazilian mega creator, who wasn't just looking for likes and comments, but wanted to leave a lasting legacy. This is a clear sign that brands, regardless of size, are in a constant search for genuine relevance.

The Challenge of Connecting with Real Brazil and Creating a Brand

Tomar decisões estratégicas no Brasil, um país diverso e de contrastes profundos, é um desafio único. Dessa forma, a estratégia de branding deve ir além do Brasil do Instagram e se conectar com a realidade, do Oiapoque ao Chuí. Entender o território e construir valor ao lado dos consumidores é vital.

The study “It’s Hot, Brazil!” from Timelens analyzed what really impacts Brazilians. Contrary to the reputation of happy people, the research revealed a significant increase in searches for terms such as “anxiety”, “stress” and “depression”. Therefore, context is full of contradictions, and brands need to be sensitive to these nuances to remain relevant.

ROX is the New ROI: Return on Experience

Em um cenário onde o consumidor valoriza a experiência, o Retorno sobre a Experiência (ROX) torna-se mais relevante do que o Retorno sobre o Investimento (ROI). Dessa forma, a Gartner destaca que a experiência do cliente (CX) é uma das principais áreas de investimento em marketing.

Como especialistas em branding, acreditamos que o CX deve ser o meio de conexão entre marcas e pessoas. Bem como, expandir a definição de “retorno” para além do financeiro é crucial. O engajamento autêntico cria uma comunidade de embaixadores dispostos a cocriar, trocar e defender a marca.

Relevant Brand: The Journey to Leave a Legacy

Making a difference in people's lives is the essence of relevant brands. This journey begins by resolving the problems encountered throughout the relationship with consumers. Genuine content becomes the foundation for building a community of real influencers, ready to share and advocate for the brand.

I invite you to choose your truth amid contrasts, digital fads and momentary trends. In a country full of diversity, understanding your limitations and genuinely connecting with your audience is key to preventing a brand from becoming just a meme graveyard.

With information @ Ewerton Mokarzel