O Valor de Marca que Não Tem Preço

The Priceless Brand Value

The perception of brand value is a fundamental part of consumer decision-making. It is through this perception that they connect with a product or service, building bonds of trust and loyalty. A crucial element in achieving this engagement is authenticity. In other words, brand value is an attribute that, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2023 Special Report, is considered essential by 51% of Brazilians. Thus, indicating that brands' attempts at interaction fail when they lack this component.

Authenticity: The Way to Stand Out

Although it's challenging, authenticity is the key to breaking through attention barriers in a world saturated with constant advertisements. This characteristic is most noticeable in personal media, such as blogs, podcasts and influencers. Where the connection with the public is used to expand brand perception. However, achieving authenticity in conventional advertising is a notable challenge.

O Valor de Marca que Não Tem Preço

Cohesion between Message and Medium

A coesão entre a mensagem publicitária e o meio é o primeiro passo essencial. A falta dessa harmonia sugere desleixo por parte do anunciante e do veículo de comunicação, prejudicando a experiência do consumidor. Quando o anúncio se apresenta com o formato adequado e um posicionamento harmonioso, a probabilidade de engajamento do público aumenta significativamente. Gerando um valor imensurável para a marca.

To enhance brand messages across the online environment, native advertising emerges as a valuable tool. This format provides a discreet, elegant and high-quality experience, minimizing interruptions and allowing advertisers and publishers to collaborate on authentic campaigns. Statistics from IPG and Sharethrough indicate that consumers view 52% native ads more often than banner ads.

Native and Contextual Advertising: A Powerful Duo

The combination of authenticity achieved by native ads can be amplified when integrated with contextual advertising. Considering the topic, feelings and activities of users, contextually relevant ads increase authenticity. A striking example of this synergy was the recently released Barbie film, which transformed not only advertising, but the entire consumer experience.

Despite the challenges, implementing native ads has significant long-term benefits. Despite the higher initial investment, these ads overcome the tendency for consumers to ignore display advertising, generating higher CPMs and increasing average revenue per user.

Chanel Paris Eau de Parfum - Por que o conceito criativo de uma marca é importante?
Chanel Paris Eau de Parfum – Why is a brand’s creative concept important?

Overcoming Challenges with Technology

Authenticity challenges include the financial effort on the part of publishers to implement native ads. However, tools like OpenAI's DALL-E, Stable Diffusion XL, and Adobe Firefly can help minimize workload and automate creation, offering insights to explore new formats.

In short, it is up to publishers and ad technology platforms to highlight the benefits of native advertising. Brands, in turn, need to explore the opportunities of this innovative format. With alignment between both ends, authentic advertising has room to grow on the web, strengthening ties between advertisers, publishers and consumers.

Finally, consumers are currently looking for not only quality content, but also a strong and original voice, with honest opinions about products and services. Therefore, promoting participatory experiences, authentic messages and genuine interactions are what drive trust. As a result, the value of authenticity for recognition and loyalty is truly invaluable.