Soluções tecnológicas atuais: a importância de uma nova mentalidade mais integrada

Current technological solutions: the importance of a new, more integrated mindset

Current technological solutions: When we think about our problems as a society, we understand that they are systemic and complex. Therefore, we need to find solutions through new models of collaboration between all parties involved and/or impacted.

Em 2015, a consultora Holonomics transformou um acrônimo usado em marketing estratégico 4Ps (significando Preço, Produto, Praça e Promoção) para uso como balizadores a considerar em iniciativas transformadoras: Plataformas, Propósito, Pessoas, e Planeta.

The new 4Ps can be considered a structural synthesis of our basis for decision making. Thus, not only providing direction for the progress of business models, but also helping leaders develop more agile organizations. At the same time, focusing on the experience of its employees and customers.

The reason behind updating the concept largely depends on the current stage of technology evolution. In other words, expanding the spectrum of opportunities, as well as the possibility of correcting the problems of our economic systems. Which in turn generate poverty, inequality and the degradation of natural ecosystems. Next, check out what each of the new Ps means: 


Em um contexto em que mais pessoas estão se conectando à internet, a nova economia digital acabou gerando um novo formato de startup. Sendo caracterizada por suas novas arquiteturas de plataforma. Estas, impactaram radicalmente setores inteiros, transformaram os comportamentos de consumo das pessoas e das empresas. Além de ter gerado formas totalmente novas para as empresas criarem valor. O resultado desse movimento pode ser sentido na maneira com que esse modelo de negócios se tornou dominante no mercado. Não à toa, sete das dez companhias mais valiosas do mundo se utilizam do formato de plataforma.


The new 4Ps framework suggests a truly disruptive approach to serving and designing a company's customer and employee experience. This perspective helps leaders fully incorporate the company's purpose into their strategies and user experience. This process needs to be done authentically. In this way, it implements human values throughout the organization, in addition to developing long-term relationships not only with customers. But also with the human and environmental ecosystems in which they operate. 


The advancement of technological solutions has enabled the development of other areas of society, such as science and health. Today, some theorists already report that we are experiencing the so-called fourth industrial revolution. In which the physical, digital and biological worlds are merging in a way that represents both the possibility of reaching the pinnacle of human potential. As, at the same time, the danger of an even greater split and inequality. Therefore, the time has come to support a vision in which the economy and ecology are in harmony. And that represents an improvement in the way we work and live.


Current lifestyles and economic systems, which offer little resilience in the face of global pandemics and other problems, are no longer suited to humanity. Not even our planet. Because the environment does not behave in a predictable and linear way. This suggests that, in relation to the way we live, we need to act with care and caution, as we are not able to predict the outcome of all actions. Companies and investors, however, often rush to new markets. As well as other countries, which have rich natural resources to exploit, without thinking about the wider implications. We therefore need to change the collective mentality and corporate culture towards “active management” of the planet’s ecosystems.

Reflection on technological solutions

Advance from understanding these concepts to strategic, tactical and operational actions to be practiced by everyone and every day. It is a major cultural challenge for organizations and their leaders. In practice, companies need to question themselves, in the same way as Andy Last, CEO of Salt Communications, did when he proposed a fundamental reflection:

Why do we exist and what would people miss if we no longer existed?

By Renato Caliman @ administrators