2023: Para começar bem

2023: To get off to a good start with the fourth industrial revolution

2023, the year of technology, and you still think that a straw will guarantee a place in the job market? Or, in the case of those who are entrepreneurs, just opening a vacancy in your company will bring in talent? Think better.

The fourth industrial revolution has transformed the market at a pace that is difficult to follow. Even if you have worked in the same position for 5 years or more, you may notice that the skills that made you stand out back then would be insufficient today.

2023: Para começar bem
Companies and professionals are racing against time to stay relevant.

How to build a career and open up opportunities that provide the perfect match between vacancies and talents? The CEO of Linkedin is perhaps one of the best people to give this answer. In interview with HBR Ideacast, Harvard Business Review podcast, Ryan Roslansky, director of the social network aimed at professionals, left some tips and insights.

1. Focus on skills, not titles

The assertion seems contradictory, since the CV is still an indispensable item — or, at least, omnipresent — in selection processes. But listing degrees and titles makes less and less sense.

“I believe that companies that focus on skills as capital, companies that leave behind old-fashioned methods — like training or pedigree or where someone has worked before — will be a step ahead in ensuring that the right people are appointed to the right positions with the right skills to do what they do best”, he explains.

2. Have the ability to adapt

Roslansky talks about “adaptive mindset” and “adaptive leadership” as opposed to “reactive mindset”. Knowing how to adjust to changes without compromising the values that founded the organization can be a difficult task, but it is essential.

“Adaptive leaders see cyclical changes as opportunities. For them, even when there is uncertainty involved, it is possible to find opportunities […] Adaptive leaders also move. They test and adjust, they don’t react by doing what they already did before”, he says.

3. Create (and seize) internal opportunities

I know it's tempting to post a vacancy on LinkedIn or open a selection process on Gupy, list all the skills you think are necessary for a given position and choose the possible best candidate among thousands. But this may be the most inefficient way.

In many cases, internal workforce reallocation can produce better results. There are several advantages involved: lower selection and onboarding costs, shorter learning curve for the professional, automatic adjustment to the company's culture, among others.

“Internal mobility is a hot topic for us today. I truly believe that your best employee of tomorrow is your employee of today in many situations. If you focus on skills, understand the competencies of your current workforce, and know where you want your company to go, then there is a great job to be done helping employees find different positions within your organization — as long as they are aligned with the mission and vision”, he details.

4. Have consolidated vision and values in your company

  • The vision is the “why”. Why does your organization do what it does?
  • Culture and values are the “how”. How do you move towards your goals?

This way, by knowing how to answer these questions, you will be able to attract and retain talent much more efficiently than just offering an average salary and benefits.

“The key is to align people with what your organization does to have a productive workforce and good retention. When people believe in your vision, they stay longer”, he comments.

In conclusion, is your company prepared to deal with changes in a more agile and adaptive way?

By Editor @ Administrators