Marketing com Design Thinking: Uma forma completamente diferente de planejar e criar ideias, produtos e serviços com o foco nas necessidades, desejos e limitações dos usuários. Business Design proporciona mais facilidade ao converter dificuldades e limitações em benefícios para a sua empresa. Tudo isso com um alto padrão de qualidade criativa.
Business innovation marketing
Time to improve something that already exists or innovate and create something completely new, whether products or business processes that have not yet been introduced to the market. So that it sells and also makes a difference in people’s lives.
Results concept
Through our years of experience we have learned that while each idea has its own set of advantages, it only works best when combined strategically with others.
Visual identity: creating great ideas for your business
Corporate Visual Identity
Em primeiro lugar, o projeto de branding para a criação de marca, contendo além do logo, todos os materiais referentes à visual identity. Após o primeiro feedback do cliente, seguimos aprimorando a opção de logo escolhida. Juntamente com variação de cores e modificações nos elementos visuais e/ou tipografia.
♡ Pantone colors!
To create the identity, we always use different colors than the usual ones, according to the CMYK, RGB and Pantone color scales. This way, each project becomes unique and exclusive.
Logo Design
When you need to start in a simple way, or even modernize an existing identity.
Optamos por trabalhar com tipografias/fontes recém chegadas ao mercado. Mas acima de tudo sempre analisamos cada uso. Para que dessa forma, seja correspondente ao dna de cada empresa. Afinal, cada visual identity precisa comunicar precisamente.
How visual identity creation works
1. Analysis
Firstly, the analysis and study of your company. Understanding history, services, products and perspectives. In other words, what your business is essentially about.
2. Concept
Traçar as estratégias corretas para conceituar e conceber a visual identity. Para dessa forma, definir um ponto de conexão lógico, profissional e autêntico, entre empresa e público.
3. Naming
It begins with extensive research to suggest coherent nomenclatures. From there, we explore options, considering the brand’s identity and values. In addition to keyword analysis and availability of domains and registrations.
4. Symbology
By creating a unique and impactful symbol, it becomes easily recognizable. With the highest value, in the lowest volume.
5. Typography
The choice of professional, exclusive and appropriate typography; conveys the brand’s personality. In other words, it establishes a perfect visual connection with the target audience.
6. Color palette
The color palette makes up the brand and creates an emotional atmosphere, thus complementing the transmission of the idea and institutional values.
7. Polishing
During the polishing of the brand design, there is a constant exchange of approvals and feedback with the client. This way, you can improve the details and achieve an excellent result.
8. Graphic elements
Essential visual resources that complement the brand’s message in an impactful way. They include icons, graphics and patterns.
9. Stationery
At this stage, we develop materials such as: folders, business cards, badges, email signatures, letterheads, envelopes, among others.
10. Signage
Stickers, signs to identify rooms and offices, banners and other various visual communication materials.
11. Brand manual
File that brings together all information, use and applicability of the brand. In other words, it plays a fundamental role in maintaining the integrity of the brand.
12. Finishing
After approval of all materials, we embark on the crucial stage of finalizing the files. Therefore, with caution, to finalize all files in their appropriate formats and purposes. Carrying out complete delivery.

Website creation: present your business in a professional way
Website creation
We create your website with modern and intelligent tools, constantly updated. For example, WordPress, which is the platform used by more than 35% of the world's websites. According to the needs and desires of your project, we look for the best technologies on the market.
Optimized for Google
No desenvolvimento, seguimos todas as diretrizes impostas pelo Google para que seu projeto obtenha o máximo de aproveitamento. Seu site já será entregue totalmente otimizado para os buscadores. Como resultado, poderá ficar na 1ª página do Google em pouco tempo, de acordo com o planejamento de marketing da sua empresa.
Update support
We choose to work freely, but we always keep an eye on maintenance. This way, we stay informed about reports and warning emails. As well as automatic system updates and other tools to keep your website safe and bug-free.
How website creation works
1. Planning
Firstly, study your company: Identity, history, services, products and how they are positioned on the internet today. And a plan to achieve the desired goals.
2. Domain
Today there are countless suffixes in addition to the basic ones such as .com, .net or .com.br, which provide more exclusivity, facilitate identification and even classification in search results for your company's segment.
3. Hosting
Website hosting works like renting a digital space to store files, software applications and databases. In addition to @yoursite emails. Provides a plan with better performance and cost-benefit.
4. Installation
Conforme as necessidades e objetivos do seu projeto, buscamos as melhores tecnologias do mercado.
5. Customization
Creating and customizing the layout. Defining the entire visual aesthetic within technological possibilities.
6. Text production
Textual development about your company, services and products offered.
7. Layout
With all the technology ready, we started laying out and filling out the information.
8. Optimization
Verification of the project on the main analysis sites, for necessary corrections and to optimize performance on the desktop, tablet and smartphone versions.
9. SEO & Google
Preenchimento de todos os formulários de IF THE e análise com as melhores palavras-chave do google, para que seu site tenha uma excelente posição nas buscas.
10. Testing
After completing the website creation, it is necessary to carry out all security tests and checklists.
11. Security
Checks so that everything is in order, as planned and practiced in the market.
12. Launch
Show time!
Digital Marketing Services
Our purpose is to combine a lot of creativity with advertising and design, to shape your business, promoting and marketing your services and products. If you like to dare: we would love to participate in your project.
Leverage website on Google
Seu site aparece de forma orgânica em um bom positioning na pesquisa Google, quando está com todo o trabalho de semântica correta. Além disso, precisa preencher os requisitos básicos de desempenho e agilidade para o carregamento das páginas. Ou seja, esse conjunto de fatores é obrigatório para que se possa ter resultados efetivos de forma gratuita.
Know that organic traffic tends to be more qualified, as it is made up of people who are already actively searching for products or services similar to what your company offers. This way, you can gain more engaged and loyal customers, which will bring results to your business.
SEO: Strategy and results
Most of the time the website has already been created, is performing within standards, but does not produce results. Therefore, it is time to ensure that your website is well positioned in search engines. It needs to be optimized for keywords relevant to your business.
In other words, to achieve effective and lasting results, it is essential to have a very well-defined and competently executed strategy. As well as clearly understanding your company's objectives, knowing your desired audience well and identifying the best tools with the correct techniques to achieve these objectives.
Takes time to load pages
Did you know that the slowness of a website can often be one of the biggest obstacles to attracting customers? When a visitor accesses a page and it takes a long time to load, they are likely to give up and look for another option.
As a result, your company may lose valuable sales and business opportunities. So, it's time to ensure your website loads quickly and offers a positive user experience.
Creative digital marketing
Atualmente é essencial que toda empresa tenha uma estratégia de marketing digital muito bem definida e executada de uma forma competente. Ou seja, é necessário entender claramente os objetivos, definir estrategicamente a froma de venda dos produtos e/ou serviços, conhecer bem o público, identificar as melhores ferramentas e técnicas e detalhar em um plano de marketing. Com uma estratégia bem planejada e executada, a empresa pode alcançar resultados significativos e duradouros, fortalecendo sua presença no mercado e impulsionando o crescimento. Hora de criar um plano de marketing, com uma estratégia de marketing digital e aumentar a visibilidade da sua marca?
Specific page to attract
A landing page is a type of page designed specifically to serve a specific objective, such as increasing conversions, generating leads, or promoting services/products. Therefore, it will include writing the text with choosing the right keywords, using relevant images and videos. As well as forms and creating a layout that encourages visitors to continue browsing the page. Generally simpler and more direct than traditional website pages, with an attractive design and clear call to action.
Graphic creation
Digital Design is a constantly evolving area, with new trends, technologies and tools emerging all the time. And we love offering this service, which can range from graphic creation of pieces for the internet, banners, icons, production of website layouts, user interfaces, among others. Our digital design service is based on a structured work process, which includes clear definition of objectives, reference and market research; concept creation and development of creative and effective solutions. Furthermore, we use new tools and technologies.
Digital marketing services have much more power with an excellent visual identity
Primeiramente, a visual identity é uma combinação de elementos visuais que refletem um nome, ideia, produto, empresa ou serviço. Bem como a simbologia, cores, tipografia, formatação e até frases, como slogans, têm a função de registrar de forma rápida e objetiva sua visual identity e missão na mente do público.
Você quer que seus clientes se conectem com o conceito da sua marca à primeira vista? Uma visual identity é um conjunto de símbolos que representam uma empresa ou produto. Através de cores, formas e fontes, foi criado um conjunto de gráficos para traduzir todo o conceito por trás do seu negócio.
Therefore, opting for a design that is simply beautiful, rather than an image that truly captures the essence of your company, is what differentiates an ordinary organization from a market leader.
In other words, the concept is simple, but putting it into action requires a detailed and precise analysis that indicates what you really want to expose to your customers at first glance.
With each new contact with a client from different places and segments (real estate, lawyers, architects, engineers, photographers, clothing stores, startups and beauty) we always receive new challenges, from which we exercise all the necessary virtues for a perfect result.
With this feeling, we already have our design work circulating in London, Paris, São Paulo and several cities in the southern region (RS-SC) of Brazil.
Marina Silva
Alessandra Rech Tortelli
Conex Business
Clayre Werlich
Consultare Organizational Consulting
Kelly Ribeiro
Powerful Alliance Store
Mayara Nascimento
Academia Vida FIT
Marina Martins
We serve the region in person or through Whatsapp, chamada de vídeo, como preferir! Você tem uma ideia? A particular project? Request a quote using the form. We would love to be part of your project.
Check out news and articles to boost the growth of innovative brands and businesses

My talent is helping entrepreneurs create their brands It is websites professionals, to have their own lives and become increasingly stronger in the market. Creatively conceptualizing in an authentic way. Building new spaces in digital and physical channels. And executing strategic actions to marketing with IF THE para alcançar resultados. 👨🚀